TBS Program Catalog

2 Many Chefs! 料理の別人



2 Many Chefs! is a hilarious in-studio cooking game show in which three teams - comprised of one professional chef and one novice who knows nothing about cooking - compete to create the tastier dish. The amateur cook is the only one who is allowed to physically do the cooking, but receives guidance from the master chef, who is blindfolded and unable to see what is going on in the kitchen, and only able to give verbal assistance. The team who cooks the best dish is awarded a cash prize.
“2 Many Chefs!”는 베테랑 셰프 한 명과 요리를 전혀 모르는 초보자 한 명으로 구성된 세 팀이 더 맛있는 음식을 만들기 위해 경쟁하는 재미있는 스튜디오 요리 게임 쇼이다. 초보자 요리사는 직접 요리를 할 수 있는 유일한 사람이며 마스터 셰프로부터 구두로 지원을 받을 수 있지만, 마스터 셰프는 눈을 가리고 있어 부엌에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알 수 없다. 최고의 음식을 만든 팀에게는 상금이 수여된다.
《2 Many Chefs!》是一個搞笑的室內烹飪遊戲節目。參賽團隊三組,每個團隊由一位專業廚師和一位不懂烹飪的新手組成。比賽哪一組能創造出更美味的佳餚。烹飪新手是唯一可以動手做飯的人。專業廚師在矇上眼睛看不見廚房狀況的情況下,口頭指導烹飪新手下廚。烹飪最佳菜餚的團隊將獲得現金獎。

Amazing Animals

どうぶつ奇想天外!   동물 기상천외 !   動物奇想天外

Prepare to be entertained and enlightened in this quiz show featuring the amazing lives animals lead. In-studio guests earn points by answering questions on why animals do what they do based on video segments featuring animals from all over the world. The footage includes examinations of animal behavior with fascinating and humorous results.

Athletic Fire

炎の体育会TV   열띤 체육회 TV   火炎運動會TV

60 and 120 min|60 and 120 min series

The world's greatest female athletes challenge Japan's top comedians in sports battles designed to amaze and entertain. World record holders, international stars and the nations best women from swimming, volleyball, soccer, golf and martial arts have their hands full as they battle funny men in real competitions.

Bananaman’s Gotcha Gourmet!

バナナマンのせっかくグルメ!!   바나나맨의 제대로 구르메!!   香蕉人的難得美食!!

30, 60, 120, 150 min × 100eps

Japan is a country rich in regional gastronomy where local people are only too eager to have visitors try what they view as the greatest gourmet food around. Join Tokyo ce-lebrity Bananaman as they travel the country door-to-door gleaning information known only to local citizens, making incredible gourmet discoveries and introducing the charms of each locale.

Celebrities Under Pressure

Celebrities Under Pressure

  • Game Show

Celebrities are placed in the home of ordinary families and given the chance to earn prizes for their host family. The families only win the prizes, however, if the celebrity who stays with them can learn to accomplish a challenge in one week's time. Celebrities Under Pressure was first televised on the ITV Network; a production of Granada Television based on the TBS format Happy Family Plan.

Comedy Colosseum

ザ・イロモネア   코미디 콜로세움   搞笑競技場

In this reality competition series, comedians go head-to-head for a $10,000 prize by earning the most laughs from randomly selected audience members. The competition features five rounds, with contestants choosing from five different comedy genres for each performance.


だがしかし   다가시카시   粗點心戰爭

30 min. × 12 eps.|12 episodes

Shikada dreams of becoming a famous manga artist. The only problem—he’s terrible. His real talent is selling the complex and delicious snacks in his father’s “dagashi” shop. He never thought much about the family business until the trendy, eccentric Hotaru showed up. As a lover of “dagashi,” she can’t let his talent go to waste and decides she won’t stop ‘til she’s sold him on sweets.


KUNOICHI   쿠노이치   極限體能女王

3 eps 150 ~ 180 min series|3 eps

A spin-off program from SASUKE. KUNOICHI (a word for a female ninja) puts professional and amateur athletes, celebrities and general participants on a challenging obstacle course. Who among these women has the skills and stamina to clear all areas and be crowned champion?

Muscle Ranking

筋肉番付   근육랭킹   挑戰冠軍王

60 min x 77 eps 30 min x 154 eps|Eps 231

Real athletic competition is on display in this sports game show. A field of competitors that ranges from unknown amateurs to world class professional athletes provides remarkable stories of human spirit and achievement. The competition features incredibly challenging games that have been specially designed for this show and include Super Rider, Handwalking, Kick Target and Service Ace.

The World Unknown to Matsuko

マツコの知らない世界   마쓰코가 모르는 세계   Matsuko 不知道的世界

60min x 100eps more episodes will follow

A talk show in which experts from a variety of specialty fields are invited to introduce a surprising and “deep” world unbeknownst to MC Matsuko and viewers.

Tokyo Friendly Park II

東京フレンドパーク 2   東京友好樂園Ⅱ

60min series|60min series

A studio transformed into an amusement park is the setting for this celebrity-based game show. Well-known stars pair up to compete in games that test their knowledge, strength and coordination.