30 min series 30 min series
일본인보다 일본을 좋아하는 각지방의 외국인들이 세계에 일본을 알린다!
해외 가이드북에는 결코 실려있지 않은 일본의 장소, 사람, 물건등 모든 문화를 전한다. 각지방의 외국인들은일본전국에 존재하는 그들에게 있어서 매우 큰 문화적충격등을 리포트한다.
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어메이지팡 !
Amazing Pang!阿多仔@ 日本
Episode / Duration
30 min series 30 min series
Non-Japanese nationals with an abiding love and knowledge of Japan often exceeding that of Japanese natives themselves, share their passion toward Japan with the world! Visit places they’ve learned about not found in travel guides, glean little known information about people and culture. Join foreigners residing all across Japan as they culture shock you and bring you the most intriguing and compelling discoveries they’ve made!
일본인보다 일본을 좋아하는 각지방의 외국인들이 세계에 일본을 알린다! 해외 가이드북에는 결코 실려있지 않은 일본의 장소, 사람, 물건등 모든 문화를 전한다. 각지방의 외국인들은일본전국에 존재하는 그들에게 있어서 매우 큰 문화적충격등을 리포트한다. 本節目尋找在日本各地比日本人還要更喜歡日本的外國人來介紹當地各式各樣的旅遊資訊。就讓日本全國的阿多仔來帶領您體驗在導遊書上絕對沒有介紹的人,事,物和當地文化吧! You may also like 26hours/day時短生活ガイドSHOW 시간단축생활가이드 쇼 超省時生活 13 eps 60 min series|13 eps
Modern people leading busy lives, this is the show for you! Please tell us what you would like to do in shorter time, then we will teach you the techniques that will enable you to achieve it.
Bananaman’s Gotcha Gourmet!バナナマンのせっかくグルメ!! 바나나맨의 제대로 구르메!! 香蕉人的難得美食!! 30, 60, 120, 150 min × 100eps Japan is a country rich in regional gastronomy where local people are only too eager to have visitors try what they view as the greatest gourmet food around. Join Tokyo ce-lebrity Bananaman as they travel the country door-to-door gleaning information known only to local citizens, making incredible gourmet discoveries and introducing the charms of each locale. Bus Tour Globe -Trotting地球バス紀行 지구버스기행 地球巴士紀行 Comedy Colosseumザ・イロモネア 코미디 콜로세움 搞笑競技場 DigiCon6 ASIADigiCon6 ASIA 100 eps 15 min series|100 eps
DigiCon6 ASIA, which began in 2000, has grown to become Asia’s largest short movie film festival. Currently, 10 countries and regions participate including Japan, China, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. All submitted works have an easily viewable running time of 15 minutes or less, running the gamut of formats from CG animation (2D & 3D) and stop motion/clay animation to live action, and spanning a wide variety of genres from children’s animation and human drama to action and science fiction. Carefully-selected works by Asia’s top film creators are presented.
Last Minute Doctor!駆け込みドクター!運命を変える健康診断 의학 버라이어티 ~카케코미 닥터 出巡醫生 35 eps 60 & 120 min series|35 eps This program examines from a physician’s standpoint little health signs that crop up, and what happens if left unchecked, taking a positive and proactive approach to learning about the human body in hopes of enabling all of us to live our next decades as the picture of health. Superhuman Coliseum超人コロシアム Performers demonstrate their "superhuman" skills in an attempt to win votes from the studio audience and a cash prize. These "superhumans," who each possess a unique but not particularly useful talent, partake in this unpredictable game show which may see a Guinness world record holder be defeated by a young child. The World Heritage 4K Premium EditionTHE 世界遺産 4K Premium Edition THE 세계유산 4K Premium Edition 世界遺產 4K 白金版 30 min. × 12 eps.|30 min. Series Recorded with the most advanced visual image technology, TBS “World Heritage” has since its inception in 1996 has bemuse itself a valuable cultural property with its high-quality footage and visual documentation of mankind’s greatest treasures: UNESCO World Heritage sites. The program relaunched in June 2013 as the “The World Heritage 4K Premium Edition” focusing on expressing the sheer beauty of the world’s greatest marvels, and is Japan’s first program to be fully shot in 4K as the next generation in video technology, from photography to editing and post-production. The World Unknown to Matsukoマツコの知らない世界 마쓰코가 모르는 세계 Matsuko 不知道的世界 Tokyo Friendly Park II東京フレンドパーク 2 東京友好樂園Ⅱ |