TBS Program Catalog

HANAMIZUKI ~May your love bloom for a hundred years~ ハナミズキ   하나미즈키   花水木



HANAMIZUKI ~May your love bloom for a hundred years~,ハナミズキ,하나미즈키,花水木
(c) 2010 "HANAMIZUKI" Production Committee
HANAMIZUKI ~May your love bloom for a hundred years~,ハナミズキ,하나미즈키,花水木
(c) 2010 "HANAMIZUKI" Production Committee

High school student Sae Hirasawa lives a simple life with her mother in a peaceful northern fishing town but dreams of a life overseas. She has grown up in the shade of a dogwood tree planted for her as a young child by her itinerant and chronically-ill father, who knew he’d never see his daughter to adulthood. Sae is determined to make it into a top university and increase her chances of landing a job overseas when she meets Kohei Kinouchi, a boy from another high school. The two fall in love and together encourage each other to pursue their dreams, even as it pulls them apart: Sae to a prestigious university in Tokyo and Kohei to the open seas as a fisherman. Inevitably, the physical separation and the widening gap between their ambitions begin to strain their long-distance relationship. As Kohei misses, and increasingly regrets, not seeing Sae grow into a beautiful woman, Sae finds herself inching ever closer to her goal when she meets Kitami, an upperclassman who shares her same dream.
해외에서 일하기를 꿈꾸는 히라사와 사에는 어릴적 아버지를 여의고 홋가이도에서 어머니와 단둘이 살고 있다. 사에의 집 정원에는 생전 아버지가 딸의 성장을 보지 못할것을 안타까워하며 심은 하나미즈키(산딸나무)가 훌쩍 자라 있었다.
고교생이 되어 도쿄에 있는 대학을 목표로 공부중인 사에는 다른 고교에 다니는 키노우치 코헤이와 우연히 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 사에는 코헤이의 응원을 받으며 한때는 포기하려고 했던 대학시험에 합격한다. 사에는 도쿄로, 쿄헤이는 홋가 이도에 남아 원거리 연애가 시작된다. 꿈에 한발짝 다가서며 화려한 도시생활을 하며 점점 아름다워지는 사에의 모습은 고향에 남은 쿄헤이의 마음을 어둡게 만든다. 서로를 생각하는 마음은 그대로인데 점점 멀어져가는 두사람. 그리고 어 느날 사에와 같은 꿈을 가진 대학선배 키타미가 사에앞에 나타난다.
夢想著有一天可以到國外工作而埋頭於學業的主人公-平澤 纱枝,自幼喪父和母親兩個人住在北海道。庭園種著一株高大卻又內斂的「花水木」,這是當年知道自己的病情明白無法看著女兒成長的父親,為了還年幼的女兒所種下的。已是高中生的纱枝,為了考取東京的大學日夜繁忙於課業; 在一個偶然的機緣下認識了別所高中同學年的木內 康平,不久兩人便開始相戀。在康平的鼓勵之下,纱枝如願考取曾經一時放棄過的第一志願而決定前往東京。與留在北海道的康平因此變成了遠距離戀愛。追逐夢想,生活在繁華都市也日漸嫵媚成熟的纱枝,在康平的心裡還時時激起漣漪。原本相愛的兩個人卻因環境相形漸遠。不料,跟纱枝抱著同樣夢想的學長北見在此時出現...。


恋はつづくよどこまでも   사랑은 계속 될거야, 언제까지나   戀愛可以持續到天長地久

75 min × 2eps / 60 min × 8eps|Eps 10

A 23-year-old rookie nurse falls hard for a doctor she’s long admired while experiencing the triumphs and tragedy of working on the front line of emergency medical care in a story offering hope for tomorrow. As a high school student, Nanase Sakura witnessed the miracle of Doctor Tendo saving a life, and has been enamored with him ever since. Inspired to become a nurse in hopes of meeting Tendo, she finally fulfills her dream only to learn that he is nicknamed “the Devil” and is super sadistic. Nevertheless, Nanase relentlessly expresses honest feelings toward him, which eventually begin to melt his iron-encased heart in this heartwarming, romantic comedy.

Ando ♡ Roid

安堂ロイド 〜 A.I.knows LOVE ? 〜   안도로이드   A.I.人工智慧男友

75 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 8 eps|10 episodes

2013. A brilliant physicist, Reizi Matsushima, has been murdered, but nobody knows why. His beloved fiancé, Mayo Ando, soon finds her life in danger as well as she is pursued by the unknown killer. Seemingly out of nowhere - from her desk drawer! - a mysterious "man" appears who calls himself Roid and is the spitting image of Reizi. Roid proceeds to make it his singular mission to protect Mayo from danger while espousing that "justice without power is meaningless." Yet to Roid, words like "love" are unfamiliar as are human anger or grief. Wary at first, Mayo gradually begins to harbor feelings for Roid due to an existential sadness she detects in him amid a world where motives intersect between the present and the future 100 years ahead. What does fate have in store for a woman who has lost love and a man who doesn't understand it?

I Love You Just a Little Bit

あなたのことはそれほど   당신을 그렇게까지는   我對你並没那麼

75 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|10 episodes

Mitsu is a 29-year-old woman who married “the number 2 man in her life,” but has been unable to forget her first love, Arishima. When she accidentally encounters him after several years, she feels it is destiny calling, and the two spend one night together in secret from their spouses. Airtime himself has just begun a family of his own, with a newborn child, but he and Mitsu find themselves continuing their affair. While they at first enjoy what seems to be a no-strings at-tached affair, it gradually begets subtle changes in feeling. Mitsu’s husband, Ryota, becomes aware of the affair and ups his devotion to her to keep her. Meanwhile, Arishima’s wife, Reika, is a picture perfect mother and devoted wife, throwing this four-way relationship into an increas-ingly complicated web of mixed emotions.

Love Letter

ラブレター   러브레터   愛情信

30 min. x 60 eps.|60 episodes

Minami is a deaf girl who, through sign language, tries to relate herself to her first love, Kaiji, and in so doing nurtures their puppy love for one another. In the process, Minami begins to develop an unrealistic desire to “hear Kaiji’s voice”. In response, Kaiji swears to Minami that he will “be her ears for her”. Alas, they are too young to keep to their promise… This is a beautiful but painful love story of the 15 long years of their unforgettable first love and family ties.


劇場版 MOZU   극장판 MOZU   劇場版 MOZU

116 min.

6 months have passed since national security policeman, Kuraki, along with fellow investigators Osugi and Akeboshi started poking around into a mysterious wife and child murder case. The so-called Mozu Incident exposed part of a shadowy organization within the police department, but proved to be only the tip of the iceberg for a much larger conspiracy. Two simultaneous terrorist acts, a skyscraper occupation and bombing, and the attacking to the embassy of Penam have put Kuraki and his team on the trail of “criminal planner” Takayanagi and professional assassin, Gondo. But they both work for someone deeper behind the scenes, cryptically known as “Daruma”, a man tied to Japan’s criminal history and who has been working on some elaborately nefarious plan. Kuraki and his partners’ pursuit of the truth take them to the Republic of Penam where they find themselves embroiled in deadly confrontation with their last true enemy, Daruma.

ROOKIES: Graduation

ROOKIES - 卒業 -   루키즈   菜鳥總動員: 畢業決戰 不良學園終極電影版

137 min.

A fired-up high-school teacher who teaches his baseball team the importance of having a dream, and the students he leads, burning with this dream of a national championship. A group of modern young people of the baseball club at Futakotamagawa High School: they have no hope for the future, and no idea of what they want to do. ‘The world is full of hope,’ a new teacher, Kawato shouts at them. ‘Don’t make fun of people who have dreams.’ Overcoming problems with the new players, and an injury to their captain, with Kawato, they move into the semifinal tournament that leads to their final chance at a national championship. Will the dreams of the Futakotamagawa baseball team come true? Meanwhile, graduation day draws near..…

S: THE LAST POLICEMAN-Recovery of Our Future-

S 最後の警官 Recovery of Our Future   S 최후의 경관 Recovery of Our Future   S 最後的警官 Recovery of Our Future

119 min.

A nation of people seemingly content to go about their business, not thinking too much, but simply trying to lead normal and peaceful lives. And then one day, a bus jacking incident occurs to rouse them from their reverie.
Ex-boxer turned cop, Ichigo Kamikura leads the NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), called “S”, effort to deal with the crisis, but so far, no demands have come from the perpetrator, and a sinking feeling of impending doom sets in among the force. Sure enough, a massive tanker off the Japanese coast in the Pacific is next reported as having been seized! On board is enough nuclear fuel to blow up the entire country.
A final battle begins with the nation’s future and the lives of 120 million at stake.....!

The Floating Castle

のぼうの城   노보우의 성   傀儡之城

145 min.

Nearing the end of Japan’s long years of civil war, with Toyotomi Hideyoshi one short step away from finally uniting the land under his rule, he sends a massive army north against the Hojo clan, his last enemy. The one stronghold he cannot take is Oshi Castle, a Hojo outpost in the land of Bushu. Called ‘the floating castle’ because of the lake that surrounded it, it is under the command of one Narita Nagachika, an extremely popular ruler known to the people of his domain as ‘Nobou-sama’, from deku no bou, or ‘blockhead’.

The Quintessential Quintuplets


30 min.|12 episodes

Uesugi Futaro, a high school second-year from a poor family, receives a highly appealing offer to work part-time as a tutor... but his students turn out to be girls from his own class! What's more, they're quintuplets... and all five are beautiful, but happen to be problem students who have borderline grades and hate studying! Looks like his first assignment will be to win all the sisters' trust?! Every day is a wild party in this rom-com centering around the quintuplet sisters of the Nakano household!

We Made a Beautiful Bouquet


124 min

Missing the last train of the day on Tokyo’s Keio Line at Meidaimae Station, college student Mugi Yamane (Masaki Suda) encounters Kinu Hachiya (Kasumi Arimura). Finding they have near identical tastes in music and movies, the couple quickly hit it off and embark on a romance that has them move in together when they graduate from college. They work temp jobs as they interview for full-time employment. They pick up a stray cat. Even as the iconic Shibuya Parco store closes and the mainstay TV show, SMAP×SMAP, airs its last show, Mugi and Kinu seek a status quo. They are inseparable and spend “the best 5 years ever!” hoping they’ll always be together. The many seasons they spend together will rekindle your memories of a halcyon time when the world was full of love.