TBS Program Catalog

JIN (FINAL) JIN-仁-(完結編)   JIN―仁―(완결편)   仁醫(完結篇)



Two years have passed since Jin slipped through a time warp and landed in the Edo period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate’s reign. Worried about the state of depression into which Saki has fallen, Jin pays a visit to her native home when it is revealed that her mother, Ei has been stricken with beriberi disease. According to her elder brother Kyotaro, Saki had come home to urge her mother to see a doctor only to be sent away without even being allowed in the home as Ei had not yet forgiven Saki for previously breaking off an arranged marriage proposal. In hopes of somehow saving Ei, Jin comes up with a scheme to administer medicine-laced sweets, for which Ei has a weakness.
시대를 초월해 미나카타 진이 막부의 에도시대로 타임슬립한후 2년쯤 지난 어느날.
상심한 사키의 모습이 마음에 걸려 사키의 집을 찾아간 진은 사키의 오빠 쿄타로로 부터 사키의 어머니 에이가 각기병이란 사실을 듣게된다. 어머니를 걱정한 사키가 집으로 찾아와 의사에게 진찰을 받으라 권하지만 혼담을 깬 사키를 용서할 수 없었 던 에이는 사키가 집안으로 들어서는 것도 용납않은채 그녀를 내쫓았다. 어떻게해 서든지 에이를 치료하고 싶은 진은 단음식을 좋아한다는 에이를 위해 과자를 준비 해 각기병치료를 하려고 하지만….
穿越時空而迷失在幕府的江戶時代已經有兩年了的「南方仁」,這一天, 因為擔心失落的「咲」來到了她老家探訪,從其兄「恭太郎」那兒得知咲的母親榮患有腳氣病。根據恭太郎的敘述,數日前咲因為擔心母親的病情而去拜訪了橘家,建議請大夫過來診斷,但由於當初咲逕自取消婚事,至今榮未能原諒咲甚至連她擅自前來腳跨橘家的門檻都無法接受,最後把她逐出了門外。無論如何,想救治榮的仁,為了偏愛甜食的榮想出了用一種甜點作成的偏方,來治療她的腳氣病,但…。


恋はつづくよどこまでも   사랑은 계속 될거야, 언제까지나   戀愛可以持續到天長地久

75 min × 2eps / 60 min × 8eps|Eps 10

A 23-year-old rookie nurse falls hard for a doctor she’s long admired while experiencing the triumphs and tragedy of working on the front line of emergency medical care in a story offering hope for tomorrow. As a high school student, Nanase Sakura witnessed the miracle of Doctor Tendo saving a life, and has been enamored with him ever since. Inspired to become a nurse in hopes of meeting Tendo, she finally fulfills her dream only to learn that he is nicknamed “the Devil” and is super sadistic. Nevertheless, Nanase relentlessly expresses honest feelings toward him, which eventually begin to melt his iron-encased heart in this heartwarming, romantic comedy.

Last Minute Doctor!

駆け込みドクター!運命を変える健康診断   의학 버라이어티 ~카케코미 닥터   出巡醫生

35 eps 60 & 120 min series|35 eps

This program examines from a physician’s standpoint little health signs that crop up, and what happens if left unchecked, taking a positive and proactive approach to learning about the human body in hopes of enabling all of us to live our next decades as the picture of health.


LEADERS 前編・後編   LEADERS 전편・후편

149 min x 2 eps|2 episodes

Prior to the start of World War II, Saichiro Aichi witnessed firsthand the technological prowess and industrial strength developing in the automotive industry of the US and Europe. Under Saichiro’s strong visionary leadership and the efforts of his team, a do-mestic passenger car is finally built just as the march of war is heard approaching. Saichiro’s group bides its time through a devastating war by building military trucks and machinery only to confront a dire depression upon war’s end, due to a financial re-trenchment policy by the Bank of Japan. Short on capital and troubled by labor strife, as well as personal illness, Saichiro and his men refuse to give up. Here is an inspiring tale about visionary men who through blood, sweat and tears and the spirit of “monozukuri” battled back from the brink of bankruptcy to build a Japanese auto company that would be the pride of the world.

ROOKIES: Graduation

ROOKIES - 卒業 -   루키즈   菜鳥總動員: 畢業決戰 不良學園終極電影版

137 min.

A fired-up high-school teacher who teaches his baseball team the importance of having a dream, and the students he leads, burning with this dream of a national championship. A group of modern young people of the baseball club at Futakotamagawa High School: they have no hope for the future, and no idea of what they want to do. ‘The world is full of hope,’ a new teacher, Kawato shouts at them. ‘Don’t make fun of people who have dreams.’ Overcoming problems with the new players, and an injury to their captain, with Kawato, they move into the semifinal tournament that leads to their final chance at a national championship. Will the dreams of the Futakotamagawa baseball team come true? Meanwhile, graduation day draws near..…

Roosevelt Game

ルーズヴェルト・ゲーム   루즈벨트 게임   羅斯福遊戲

85 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 3 eps / 60 min x 5 eps|9 episodes

”The most exciting baseball game score is 8 to 7!”
That’s what former U.S. President Roosevelt once said.
Aoshima Works is a medium-size precision instruments maker. Forced to navigate the rough waves of an unforeseen recession and fierce competition among rival companies scratching for advantage, company men on the brink of bankruptcy strive to survive by orchestrating a miracle reversal called the “Roosevelt Game”. Written by Jun Ikeido, author of a novel by the same name, and following his best-selling “Naoki Hanzawa”. A comeback story for the never-say-die working man.

S: THE LAST POLICEMAN-Recovery of Our Future-

S 最後の警官 Recovery of Our Future   S 최후의 경관 Recovery of Our Future   S 最後的警官 Recovery of Our Future

119 min.

A nation of people seemingly content to go about their business, not thinking too much, but simply trying to lead normal and peaceful lives. And then one day, a bus jacking incident occurs to rouse them from their reverie.
Ex-boxer turned cop, Ichigo Kamikura leads the NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), called “S”, effort to deal with the crisis, but so far, no demands have come from the perpetrator, and a sinking feeling of impending doom sets in among the force. Sure enough, a massive tanker off the Japanese coast in the Pacific is next reported as having been seized! On board is enough nuclear fuel to blow up the entire country.
A final battle begins with the nation’s future and the lives of 120 million at stake.....!

Sweets Dream

スイーツドリーム   스위트드림   甜點美夢

30 min. x 40 eps.|40 episodes

Three women working for a big corporation full of catch-22s have finally broken out of the company with a dream of starting their own business! Their goal is to open a specialty shop for mail-order sweets. But challenges and difficulties fall upon them one after another.
These three women, who are positive about both their love lives and careers, are sure to give “genki" power to female audiences.

The Floating Castle

のぼうの城   노보우의 성   傀儡之城

145 min.

Nearing the end of Japan’s long years of civil war, with Toyotomi Hideyoshi one short step away from finally uniting the land under his rule, he sends a massive army north against the Hojo clan, his last enemy. The one stronghold he cannot take is Oshi Castle, a Hojo outpost in the land of Bushu. Called ‘the floating castle’ because of the lake that surrounded it, it is under the command of one Narita Nagachika, an extremely popular ruler known to the people of his domain as ‘Nobou-sama’, from deku no bou, or ‘blockhead’.

When the Saints Go Marching In

聖者の行進   성자의 행진   聖者的行進

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 10 eps|11 episodes

Exploring the perception and treatment of mentally-challenged youth and their similarities to juvenile delinquents in Japanese society, this drama series follows the trials and tribulations of a group of adolescents in a work/study program for mentally-challenged teenagers. Although the program’s intention is to gently “normalize” them for introduction in society, the group is subject to constant physical and mental abuse unbeknownst to their parents and teacher, Ms Hagawa. However, the friendship between Towa, a naive but unusually articulate member of the program, and Arisu, a rebellious schoolgirl, helps both of them learn to overcome their troubles. Features a star-studded cast of current popular youth idols.


ヤメゴク〜ヤクザやめてもらいます〜   야메고쿠 ~야쿠자 그만두겠습니다~   脫黑~不再當黑社會~

78 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 8 eps|10 episodes

Inside the Metropolitan Police’s Organized Crime Task Force, a help line has been set up to assist repentant organized criminals in their effort to permanently cut ties with their syndicate. Dubbed the “Going straight hotline”, it is spearheaded by a fearless female police officer Bakushu Nagamitsu, played by former AKB48 member Yuko Oshima, who stands ready to crush anyone threatening those under her protective custody no matter how powerful that threat may be. Depicting the struggles and maturation of Bakushu and those around her, “Yamegoku” is a groundbreaking police drama with great heart and soul not seen since “SPEC” and “Keizoku”.