TBS Program Catalog

K-ON! けいおん!   케이온   K-ON! 輕音部



K-ON!,けいおん!,케이온 K-ON!,輕音部
(c) kakifly・Houbunsha/Sakura High Band

Broadcast Date

Series 1: 2009.4.2 - 2009.6.25
Series 2: 2010.4.6 - 2010.9.28

Episode / Duration

41 episodes Series.1: 30 min. x 14 eps.
Series.2: 30 min. x 27 eps.

Four high school girls join the Light Music Club to save it from being abolished when all of its members graduate. Although most of them don’t have much experience playing a musical instrument, they all decide to give it a shot. Yui, who originally misread the club name and joined thinking it was something else, decides to stay and take up the electric guitar. Ritsu is the president of the club and plays the drums because they are “cool.” Mio, the smart but shy one, is the base guitarist of the band. Gentle child of affluence, Tsumugi, plays the keyboards since she has experience winning piano contests. In their sophomore year, the wide-eyed freshman Azusa lends her considerable guitar skills to finally form the five member band, After School Tea Time. Now they just need to stop having tea parties and get busy practicing... as if!
부원전원이 졸업해버린 경음악부는 새롭게 4 명의 부원을 모으지 못하면 경음악부가 없어지게 될 상황이었다 . 신입 생 히라사와 유이는 착각으로 경음악부에 들어가게 되고 , 악보도 읽지 못하는 유이는 기타를 , 먼저 입단한 다이나카 리쓰는 드럼을 , 부끄러움을 잘 타는 아키야마 미오는 베이 스를 , 조용한 성격의 고토부키 쓰무기는 키보드를 담당하 게 된다 . 이들은 함께 합숙 , 축제 , 크리스마스등 즐거운 학교생활을 보낸다 . 2 학년이 되고 새롭게 기타를 담당하 는 나카노 아즈사를 맞이하면서 「방과후 티타임」이라는 밴드를 구성해 학교축제에서 대성공을 거둔다 . 드디어 이 들은 3 학년 봄을 맞이한다 . 「방과후 티타임」의 활약을 기대하시라 !
春天,新學年的開始。櫻丘高中「輕音部」,因原有的部員全部畢業離校而如果無法如期招募到至少4位新成員則即將被宣布廢部。此時,新生的平沢 唯因誤解了「輕音部」的原意而不小心加入了這社團。於是集結了,連樂譜都不會看的唯為吉他手,同樣是新生的田井中 律擔任鼓手也同時是社團的部長,膽子很小個性害羞的秋山 澪擔任貝斯手,加上氣質非凡的琴吹 紬擔任電子琴手。他們大多的時間都集合在社團的房間裡練習,為了集訓、校慶和聖誕節等表演過著充實忙碌的生活。在升上了二年級之後,更迎接了處世嚴謹的新入部員中野 梓擔任吉他手,5人樂團以「放學後的下午茶」為名在輕音部的學園祭中轟動全校深獲肯定。很快的, 是他們升上3年級的春天了...。「放學後的下午茶」會如何重組、這5個人又會怎麼成長?敬請期待 !

After School Groove

放課後グルーヴ   방과후 그루브   放學來跳舞

30 min. x 10 eps.|10 episodes

Dropping out of high school and joining a bike gang, girl teen Makoto Kiryu's rough-and-tumble life thus far takes a new turn when she meets Rinko Kominato after a motorcycle accident. Rinko convinces Makoto to quit the biker gang and attend evening high school. Nine years later, the fully reformed Makoto is a college graduate and an upstanding physical education teacher who enjoys immense popularity among students. Having finally landed full-time status with her own class in her third year, life seems great until a bombshell drops from school principal. Makoto and her colleagues are being tasked with strengthening the school's dance program, a newly-mandated component of physical education. It is Makoto's worst nightmare come true. And God forbid that her students ever discover the truth: that she can't dance a lick.


だがしかし   다가시카시   粗點心戰爭

30 min. × 12 eps.|12 episodes

Shikada dreams of becoming a famous manga artist. The only problem—he’s terrible. His real talent is selling the complex and delicious snacks in his father’s “dagashi” shop. He never thought much about the family business until the trendy, eccentric Hotaru showed up. As a lover of “dagashi,” she can’t let his talent go to waste and decides she won’t stop ‘til she’s sold him on sweets.


マイフェアボーイ   My Fair Boy   因為遇見你

30 min. x 30 eps.|30 episodes

The story begins when a housewife named Aoi meets a boy named Yuichi, who is the orphaned son of her close friend. It is a heartwarming comedy about Aoi, the constantly positive, cheerful and accommodating housewife, transforming Yuichi, a sissy and sensitive crybaby, into a mature and independent man.


ファンタシースターオンライン2 ジ アニメーション   판타지 스타 온라인 2 디 애니메이션   夢幻之星Online2 動畫版

30 min. × 12 eps.|12 episodes

Based on the hit MMORPG, this action-adventure series follows Itsuki Tachibana, a player of Phantasy Star Online 2, and the challenges he faces both in and outside of the game.

ROOKIES: Graduation

ROOKIES - 卒業 -   루키즈   菜鳥總動員: 畢業決戰 不良學園終極電影版

137 min.

A fired-up high-school teacher who teaches his baseball team the importance of having a dream, and the students he leads, burning with this dream of a national championship. A group of modern young people of the baseball club at Futakotamagawa High School: they have no hope for the future, and no idea of what they want to do. ‘The world is full of hope,’ a new teacher, Kawato shouts at them. ‘Don’t make fun of people who have dreams.’ Overcoming problems with the new players, and an injury to their captain, with Kawato, they move into the semifinal tournament that leads to their final chance at a national championship. Will the dreams of the Futakotamagawa baseball team come true? Meanwhile, graduation day draws near..…

Samurai Harem

明日のよいち!   내일의 요이치!   明日的與一!

30 min. x 12 eps.|12 episodes

Yoichi has been raised in the mountains by his samurai father, and now has great athletic skill and swordsmanship. One day, his father tells Yoichi that staying with him would not further increase his skills, and so it is decided that to grow stronger in body and mind he is to move to the city. Entering an affiliated dojo in the city, Yoichi is pleased to find that four sisters live at the dojo: Ibuki, Ayame, Chihaya and Kagome. Seeing the big city and girls for the first time has got Yoichi all turned around! On top of that he’s got to deal with bullies at school and assassins out to get him. With all these distractions will Yoichi ever get around to his studies to become a great samurai?

Shonen Maid

少年メイド   소년 메이드   少年女僕

30 min. × 13 eps.|13 episodes

After the loss of his mother, Chihiro is left alone.With no family left, he has to find a way to move on. Things aren’t looking good until a chance encounter with the young and handsome Madoka – who turns out to be his walthy uncle! Madoka offers him his home and all Chihiro has to do is clean up after the messy, irresponsible man. The problem? This job requires a uniform – a maid outfit!

The Man with the God Tongue

神の舌を持つ男   擁有神之舌的男人   신의 혀를 가진 남자

75 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|10 episodes

Ranmaru Tomonaga may be a bit naive and dorky, but he’s got something of an endearing quality that is hard to dislike. Above all, he has a tongue like a gas-chromatography device, capable of analyzing whatever it comes in contact with. Sure enough, that tongue leads him into all kinds of trouble as he gets embroiled in solving one puzzling mystery after another. Along the way, he picks up a sidekick; an “uzakawa” (cute, but annoying) suspense drama fan girl named Hikaru Kamekanbo. They meet up with Kanji Miyazawa, a straight-laced man who is the only person capable of reining in the quirky pair and keeping them out of trouble. The three of them become traveling companions, traversing the countryside in a beat-up automobile, sleeping and eating in some of the nation’s best-kept secret hot springs, and searching for the mysterious “onsen” geisha “Miyabi” in a comical mystery adventure.

The Quintessential Quintuplets


30 min.|12 episodes

Uesugi Futaro, a high school second-year from a poor family, receives a highly appealing offer to work part-time as a tutor... but his students turn out to be girls from his own class! What's more, they're quintuplets... and all five are beautiful, but happen to be problem students who have borderline grades and hate studying! Looks like his first assignment will be to win all the sisters' trust?! Every day is a wild party in this rom-com centering around the quintuplet sisters of the Nakano household!


ヤメゴク〜ヤクザやめてもらいます〜   야메고쿠 ~야쿠자 그만두겠습니다~   脫黑~不再當黑社會~

78 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 8 eps|10 episodes

Inside the Metropolitan Police’s Organized Crime Task Force, a help line has been set up to assist repentant organized criminals in their effort to permanently cut ties with their syndicate. Dubbed the “Going straight hotline”, it is spearheaded by a fearless female police officer Bakushu Nagamitsu, played by former AKB48 member Yuko Oshima, who stands ready to crush anyone threatening those under her protective custody no matter how powerful that threat may be. Depicting the struggles and maturation of Bakushu and those around her, “Yamegoku” is a groundbreaking police drama with great heart and soul not seen since “SPEC” and “Keizoku”.