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Asahi Ito (伊藤あさひ)


村井の恋   무라이의 사랑   村井之戀

30min × 8eps

A high school teacher is dubbed “Tetsuko the Iron Mask Lady” for adamantly refusing to meddle in her students’ lives or socialize with her colleagues. But she is actually a closet computer in love with a character in a dating sim game. Spending her days divorced from real-life romance, she is one day confronted by a bright but hard-to-figure out, long-haired male student named Murai who confesses his love for her. It is a non-stop romantic comedy pitting a female teacher blindly in love with a fictional character against a male student who will stop at nothing to pursue his teacher’s affections.

marigold in 4 minutes

4分間のマリーゴールド   4분간의 메리골드   四分鐘的金盞菊

75 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|Eps 10

Mikoto Hanamaki is a paramedic with a special psychic ability: he can see the moment at which a person’s life ends. But the talent is a curse because despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to change that fate. Living with his sister-in-law, Sara, in an exceedingly pure yet somewhat taboo romance, Mikoto grows frantic when he sees precisely how her life will end in just a year’s time! Can this empathic paramedic, fighting on the front lines of life and death, find a way to alter the immovable hand of fate and save the one he loves?