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Genre:Game Show

The number of (the) data: 28



Japan's leading top skaters take on the challenge of a large outdoor set. Each episode consists of three rounds. The first stage is “Midoriyama Downhill,” a time attack in which skaters run down a 400-meter-long downhill. The second stage is “Uzushio,” where contestants must slide down a very narrow path built over a pond to reach a floating island. The final stage is “Tokyo Upside-down,” a three-story, 180-meter-long course with various difficult obstacles. The lower ranked skaters in each stage are eliminated, and if they can reach the goal within the time limit in the final stage, they win a big cash prize. While the participating skaters take the competition seriously to beat others to win a big cash prize, they also respect and support each other as they always do within the skateboarding community.

Match My Moves - Choreo Countdown -

ダンスノ完コピレボリューション   동작을 맞춰라 - 안무 카운트다운 -   配合我的舞步-舞蹈倒數計時

Match My Moves - Choreo Countdown - is a dance competition featuring three teams of celebrities. Contestants must memorize the choreography of famous songs, both new and old, in just three minutes and perform in front of the audience. Their performances are judged by a renowned choreographer, who awards points based on the level of the dance.

Kamiwaza: The Superhuman Skill Show

THE 神業チャレンジ   신기 챌린지   神乎奇技大挑戰

Kamiwaza: The Superhuman Skill Show follows a mixed group of both celebrity and civilian contestants as they attempt to complete unbelievably difficult challenges that have gone viral on social media or have been concocted by mischievously talented producers.
Contestants who complete each challenge are awarded a cash prize.


ハモリ我慢ゲーム   화음 참기 게임   群唱飆歌怕走音?

Outsing the Choir! is a musical game show featuring two teams of contestants facing off in a singing showdown. Each contestant must sing their chosen song perfectly while not getting thrown off by a live, in-studio choir. While this may seem like any singer’s dream, it’s actually every singers’ nightmare!


見破れ!アクター&リアクター   액터 vs 리액터   誰才是鏡像偽裝者?

Actor vs. Reactors is a reality game show combining the best elements of two genres: prank show and imposter search. A group of participants spend a day sightseeing, but wherever they go, pranks are played on them. The group includes a secret imposter: an actor who is in on all the pranks and faking their reactions. To win a prize, the participants have to identify the imposter.

2 Many Chefs!


2 Many Chefs! is a hilarious in-studio cooking game show in which three teams - comprised of one professional chef and one novice who knows nothing about cooking - compete to create the tastier dish. The amateur cook is the only one who is allowed to physically do the cooking, but receives guidance from the master chef, who is blindfolded and unable to see what is going on in the kitchen, and only able to give verbal assistance. The team who cooks the best dish is awarded a cash prize.

Takeru and Nobu's Puzzle Game Challenge!

佐藤健&千鳥ノブよ! この謎を解いてみろ!   佐藤健&千鳥nobu!解開這個謎!~來自天才解謎集團的挑戰書~

120~180min × 4eps

Show business’ biggest mystery fanatic, Takeru Sato, ventures overseas to solve the world’s greatest mysteries, recruiting his best friend, Nobu (from the comedy duo, Chidori). Takeru and Nobu challenge a team of five mystery creators alongside some big-name guests in the most extravagant competition ever for a Japanese mystery-themed program! Don’t miss it!



Can one expert outduel an army of amateurs?

“TOTALLY OUTNUMBERED” is a game show format where experts and professionals in various fields face off against a large group of people in never-before-seen competitions.

Genre: Game Show / Challenge-based



Created by the producers of the global hit Ninja Warrior, BLOWOUT! is an exciting game show format of athletic prowess which has aired on TBS in Japan in a Saturday primetime slot for 10 years as part of a larger program called Athletic Fire.

The show is centered on various games in which participants attempt to BLOW OUT numerous specially designed targets, calling upon their skills in universally known sports such as Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Football, Soccer, Golf and so on. The games are great fun for the participants, but they can be deceptively challenging and test participant’ s mental fortitude as well by adding time pressure to the mix leading many to reveal their true character. Casting participants with a wide range of skill experience, allows viewers to enjoy amazing performances of technical skill by experienced athletes, but also hilarious attempts by over-confident or witless amateurs. World class athletes such as Stephen Curry, Neymar, Lionel Messi and Naomi Osaka appeared as participants in the Japanese version.



“CAST WARS” is not only a hilarious and exciting game show that viewers of all
generations can enjoy, but the best chance a broadcaster or platform can get to
promote their latest shows (such as dramas, reality shows and news programs) to
those viewers in a completely new way! The format is based on the most successful Japanese game show of all time, “Tokyo Friendly Park” which was airing as a
weekly program for more than 17 years. Celebrities tackle games one by one working as a “team” to win a prize at the very end.
The thrilling and fun games would make anyone want to give them a try, but most
importantly they are designed to reveal the true character and relationships of
the stars tackling them.



3 eps 60 & 120 min series|3 eps

Our new format “Gotttttcha!!!” is based on a simple game known all around the world: “hide and seek”. But by adding three original twists, it’s reborn into the most hilarious and exciting game show, presented with a cool and futuristic look!
The first twist is that the players (which consist of celebrities) challenge the game as a team. They are called the “seekers” whose ultimate goal is to find and eliminate all the “hiders” (who also consist of celebrities) who hide in spacious public places such as amusement parks, zoos and shopping arcades, packed with bystanders. The second twist is that the “hiders” are extremely hard to find, since they use everything from Hollywood level special makeup to professionally made props to disguise themselves. The third and final twist is that in this game, the “hiders” don’t just hide around, but they also have a chance to eliminate the “seekers” by pushing a huge red button they carry on their back. In the end, the last “seeker” standing is rewarded with a fat cash prize.
The game is shot using the latest 360 degree cameras, which enable the production to catch the most thrilling sequences of camouflage and capture right up until the final gotttttcha!!! moment!



Time is Money is the hilarious celebrity Life Hack show where your favourite stars share the time saving secrets of their success – and where viewers with the best life-hacks go home with a fat cash prize, proving once and for all that: Time is Money.

We live in increasingly pressurised times where much of our time is spent trying to save time! Take a quick look at your phone – just how many ‘time-saving’ apps have you got on it right now? Now ask yourself how many of them actually work? Right… then delete them then… I guess… how long would that take?

Time is Money is the show that really saves you time in your day to day life to free you up to do the things that you should be doing, like horse-riding, skiing, or something else you might see other people doing on the TV. Playing polo, maybe.

Time is Money is fiendishly simple. Our hosts introduce a panel of funny and crazy celebrities that show us their favourite life hacks. Little tips and tricks from the stars that have helped them get along and can now improve our lives by making things so, so much simpler. Some are fun, some are silly, some are extremely messy or dangerous, but most of them have the ultimate in ‘take-home TV’ – they can improve your life!

Takeshi’s Castle Indonesia

風雲!たけし城 インドネシア版   타케시성 인도네시아   風雲!Takeshi's Castle 印度尼西亞最新版

Season 1: 90 min × 20 eps Season 2: 90 min × 20 eps Season 3: 90 min × 20 eps|Eps 60

The adventure revived! Takeshi’s Castle is back in a new Indonesia version! The hugely-popular and legendary game show returns as a brand new reboot with contestants taking on ever more rigorously chosen challenges sure to generate plenty of laughs and seat-of-your-pants excitement.

Celebrities Under Pressure

Celebrities Under Pressure

  • Game Show

Celebrities are placed in the home of ordinary families and given the chance to earn prizes for their host family. The families only win the prizes, however, if the celebrity who stays with them can learn to accomplish a challenge in one week's time. Celebrities Under Pressure was first televised on the ITV Network; a production of Granada Television based on the TBS format Happy Family Plan.

Get 100

100げっちゅ〜   100 을 획득해라 !   百分百贏家

A quiz show whose answers are numbers between 1 and 99. Contestants accumulate points with correct answers and try to finish with as close to 100 as possible. The unique scoring system creates fierce rivalries as points won can be used to sabotage opponents attempt to get 100 points.

Happy Family Plan

しあわせ家族計画   행복 가족 계획   幸褔家庭計劃

60 min. x 91 eps.|91 episodes

A primetime game show that delivers edge-of-your-seat suspense. The father of participating families must master an assigned challenge in one week to win dream prizes for his wife, children and himself. Home video footage tells the story of each family's weeklong collaboration to prepare their father for his moment of truth in the studio.

★Airing on ITV as "Celebrities Under Pressure"

King of Chair

キングオブチェアー   全員大風吹

60 min. x 9 eps. 90 min. x 1 eps. 120 min. x 2 ep.|12 episodes

In a twist on the classic children’s game, musical chairs, when the music stops it’s time to find the chairs.Ten contestants are on the hunt for three winning chairs among hundreds of choices. As chairs are found, the contestants sit in them to find out if the chair is a winner. If the sensor sets off a winning bell, they win one of three spots in the episode’s finale. If they hear the losing sound, look out!

Muscle Ranking

筋肉番付   근육랭킹   挑戰冠軍王

60 min x 77 eps 30 min x 154 eps|Eps 231

Real athletic competition is on display in this sports game show. A field of competitors that ranges from unknown amateurs to world class professional athletes provides remarkable stories of human spirit and achievement. The competition features incredibly challenging games that have been specially designed for this show and include Super Rider, Handwalking, Kick Target and Service Ace.

MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge)

MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge)

30 min. x 78 eps|Eps 78

Highly rated and critically acclaimed, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge is the break through comedy that premiered in the United States on Viacom’s Spike TV. Known as MXC, and made from footage from the popular game show, Takeshi's Castle, it has been re-edited, re-written and re-voiced into a hilarious, intentionally over-produced, modern "action/X-treme" sports show. MXC pits such teams as "America's Meat Handlers" against their hated rivals, "The Cartoon Voice-Over Actors."

Street Fight

ストリートファイト   거리 대결   街頭挑戰王

A game show format which challenges two teams in the studio for some unusual and exciting competition. The teams vie to score the most points by defeating ordinary people off the street in tests of skill.

Takeshi's Castle

風雲!たけし城   풍운! 다케시 성   風雲~百戰百勝

60 min × 127 eps|Eps 127

The legendary audience participation variety program that took the entire world by storm! Laugh and cheer along with average citizens as they face a slew of challenging games!

Takeshi's Castle (UK version)

風雲!たけし城 英国版   다케시성 영국버젼   英國版「百戰百勝」

30 min. x 135 eps. 60 min. x 9 eps. Including special and best of episodes|144 episodes

Made entirely from the original Japanese programs and edited into half hour episodes, the UK version features non-stop action and hilarious commentary from top British comedian Craig Charles. It’s a smash hit that has traveled to all corners of the globe.

Takeshi's Castle Comedy Central Version

Comedy Central 버전 타케시성   Comedy Central 版「百戰百勝」

Thai version : 30 min × 40 eps Indonesia version : 30 min × 40 eps Including special and best of episodes|Eps 80

Takeshi's Castle Saudi Arabia

타케시성 사우디   沙烏地阿拉伯版「百戰百勝」

Series 1: 60 min × 13 eps Series 2: 60 min × 13 eps|Eps 26

Takeshi’s Castle Thailand

風雲!たけし城 タイ版   타케시성 - 타이   泰國版 百戰百勝

100 min x 85 eps Including special and best of episodes|Eps 85

The classic game show, “Takeshi’s Castle”, returns to life in Thailand!
Built on the largest set in Thai television history, challengers take part in the legendary game to great laughs and adventure! Thailand’s popular actors and comedians provide extra glamour and entertainment including distinctly Thai themed shows, such as a “models competition,” that do the original show proud.

Tokyo Friendly Park II

東京フレンドパーク 2   東京友好樂園Ⅱ

60min series|60min series

A studio transformed into an amusement park is the setting for this celebrity-based game show. Well-known stars pair up to compete in games that test their knowledge, strength and coordination.

Tokyo Friendly Park SP

関口宏の東京フレンドパークSP   세키구치 히로시의 도쿄 프렌즈 파크 SP   關口宏的東京友好樂園 SP

3 eps 180 min series|3 eps

Every new season, this show invites popular actors from headliner dramas to get together and battle it out in a series of original games. It's a popular choice with studio audiences because they get to witness the real-life personalities of their favorite actors and how they relate to each other. To make it even more fun, this special pits drama actors against variety show personalities.
Watching the actors we know and love on this show makes them seem even more like our close friends. This is a whole new perspective on some familiar faces!

Waku Waku Animal Land

わくわく動物ランド   흥미진진 동물 세상   開心有趣動物樂園

Waku Waku Animal Land is a heartwarming and educational quiz show which focuses on the fascinating animal kingdom. Waku Waku features video clips of animals from around the world shot exclusively for this program's question and answer format. A studio panel of celebrities supplies lively discussion as they participate in entertaining question and answer activities.